We were queueing to board the train from San Antonio to Normal in January 2015. Between the two of us, we had, I think, three large pieces and a few small pieces of luggage. An Amtrak employee commented that we could not take so much onto the train, but when she learned we were sleeping car passengers, she said something like “no problem then” (sleeping cars have more space for luggage per passenger).
I don’t know how we would have resolved it if we had not been sleeping car passengers. At the time we could not check our luggage because, IIRC, we had an Thruway ticket with a connecting bus, and despite the station where we got off the train having checked luggage, they wouldn’t check our luggage for the train part only as it wasn’t the full trip written on our ticket (insert rant here).
I have never had my luggage inspected or measured on an Amtrak train in any way. In general, I suspect that they only enforce these regulations in situations in which cargo space is at a premium (very rare), in cases where they are being conspicuously flaunted (trying to haul several large trunks aboard the train), or in response to complaints from other passengers.
I wouldn’t worry about it.
Provided you are carrying only one large bag, and provided you are carrying it yourself and can place it on the overhead rack without assistance, a slightly oversized rucksack as you describe is unlikely to bring you grief, especially if the train is not completely full. Many people on the Northeast Corridor trains are day trippers, with little more than a briefcase or laptop with them, so running out of overhead rack space is rare outside of major holidays.
If you were bringing multiple 30-inch rollaboards or large cardboard boxes, then a zealous conductor might make an issue of it.
4 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024