How much to pay for hiring marshrutka in Ukraine?

12/15/2013 7:43:34 PM

When I asked a taxi company for a small bus they listed 5 hryvnas/km for the whole 7-seats bus.
There are companies that can take you over the Ukrainian border, and they charge 7 hryvnas/km for the part of trip which is not in Ukraine.

6/16/2012 7:41:27 PM

I would say that you don’t have to negotiate a price – usually driver just tell the price and you accept it 🙂 However, you may get a “bonus” as a foreigner, but I don’t expect it to be more then 20-40%.

Regarding sample price for 100 km. According to my latest experience (and google result), MastaBaba is more-or-less right – ~30 euros for bus for 10-15 people.

6/15/2012 5:49:52 PM

Here’s an estimate:

A 250km ride in a shared taxi or marshrutka costs the equivalent of 5 – 10 euros per person, with a petrol price of about 1 euro per liter, depending on how popular and difficult the route is.

A marshrutka typically seats about 15 people, so a low estimate for renting a marshrutka for a 100km circular (that is, starting and finishing in the same location) drive would be:

15 * 5 / (2.5) = 30 euros.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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