First of all, I want to note that my city (Saint-Petersburg) can be a great place at any time, if you have a good company for it 🙂
Also, see the official site for tourists (in English).
Weather in Saint-Petersburg is in somewhat similar to Kaliningrad’s one, but with some differences. Here the air humidity always over 80%, and this is quite uncomfortable during temperature peaks, either during winter or summer.
Also you should be prepared to any weather during the day – sometimes we have a rain on one side of the street, and sun on the other side. So a backpack with umbrella and clothes will be useful even during the summer.
According this, the average temperatures are quite useless for you in our city – at the end of this April we had +15°C during the day, and -1°C during the night – and you should always remember about such strange behavior.
I think this two sites can help you during your journey:
As for me, Saint-Petersburg has four general seasons:
Amount of tourists
I’ll use the same periods, so here we go:
Festivals / Cultural events
Generally, you can find a cultural event at any day of year here. Some cinema fests, music tours, picture showings, book presentations, and so on, and so on.
For example, this year:
This is only I found in a 5 minutes. Make a local contacts, get information, and welcome to Saint-Petersburg.
Freezing cold in winter, with temperatures dropping down to −25°C and below at times. Below is a chart showing average daily maximum temperatures for the city.
Averages Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Highs °C −5.1 −4.1 1.1 8.1 15.6 20.1 21.9 20.0 14.5 8.2 2.0 −2.3
Lows °C −10.7 −9.7 -5.2 0.6 6.5 11.4 13.9 12.8 8.1 3.4 −1.9 −7.1
Precip. mm 38 31 35 33 38 58 80 81 69 67 56 51
Data from World Meteorological Institute
Unsurprisingly, summers are popular. During the winter the tourists all but abandon the city. Numbers in spring and autumn are higher the closer you get to the warmer periods.
With people more willing to spend time outdoors in the summer months, you will find more events as well. Starting in May, the White Nights festival (Beliye Nochi) lasts through to July. This is more a collection of different festivities scattered around the city, many of them taking place during the night.‘