I would say that you have to pay this extra fee in case when your luggage is something non-standard (not a backpack nor a suitcase), large or heavy enough that you have to put it on the ground or in the corridor (hence, partially blocking way) or taking seats you didn’t pay for. Otherwise, as you noticed, if everything fits luggage compartments or shelves and no other co-passanger is complaining that there is no room left for his luggage, then you’re OK and no one would bother.
In addition to the overhead racks, which were indeed ample enough to fit my 70L pack, there were two standalone luggage racks in the second class car for storing oversized luggage. At no time did the conductor check my ticket and match me with the bag in the oversized storage, thouh.
For completeness sake I will also point out that there were six berths for bicycles on the entire train. These were also purchased as an additional fee on the ticket, and I did notice that this was actually checked by the conductor.
4 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024