First thing you could do is to ask the question on Betahaus appeared to be the ideal working place in Berlin while visiting. In Paris there was La cantine, where I first learned of this formula. It almost feels like a movement. The idea is simple. It is a pub well equipped to work. So you get printers, decent internet access and other office supplies if needed. In Europe you need to look for “Co-worker space” on google (or the equivalent in the local language).
I was told that it is a “movement” that is also spreading in the US.
You say you don’t want to use Regus shared offices, but have you tried Regus Businessworld Gold? It gets you desk+internet+coffee in a shared office / lounge / etc. Some of them can be a little noisy, but often they’re nice and quiet, just the sound of other people tapping away! With a gold card each visit is free, and the gold card itself is a very decent price (assuming you don’t qualify for a free trial). It’s no good for meetings or collaboration, but Regus will always hire you a room for that if you need one during your visit!
Otherwise, I think the thing you want to be googling for is “co-working space”, especially community run ones. You normally have to pay a small fee for the day, but it’s typically a lot less than a Regus office or meeting room would be. Generally a lot more sociable too, much greater chance of finding someone local to show you a good lunch spot, or share a beer with after the day’s work!
I always like finding public libraries when I travel, for different purposes.
One of them is indeed to enjoy this free, accessible and quiet environment. They also have toilet, often a water source to refill your bottle, and they’re warm (useful when you have a long bus connection in winter). Most libraries often offer free wifi to non-members, paid access to copiers. Often they have computers with restricted access to their members, as well as scanners/printers. One drawback is that they might refuse you to get in with a large or heavy bag, but may offer lockers to store them.
Finally, one advantage is they have books 🙂 and resources which could be useful to find a travel guidebook, maps or events near you.‘
4 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024