The debate is between folding it or crumpling it, it is not about the number of sheets. A single sheet would be inadequate in most cases in either form.
I know this is a strange question. Heck, you may have never even thought about it before. However, when watching TV with the German boyfriend recently, a show mentioned that different cultures have different methods for using toilet paper. In particular, they said that Germans fold and Americans crumple.
Then there is this survey about bathroom habits
Folding versus crumpling. Overall almost 50% more people fold their toilet paper
rather than crumple it. Age increases the chance you will be folding rather than
crumpling. Women are significantly more likely than men to crumple than fold.
Spending more time in the bathroom increases the chances of you crumpling
versus folding.
Must Read: The 3 Types of Toilet Paper Users: Which One Are You?‘
5 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024