Step-by-step to request visa card to travel to USA:
Source in portuguese: Correio Brasiliense
USA embassy in Brazil: USA embassy in Brazil
The tourist must fill out the new online DS-160 to apply for a visa at the following address: Data must be entered in English, with photo, and the applicant chooses where do the interview (for example, anyone who goes to the Embassy, you must select Brasilia).
After receiving the confirmation, print the page (with barcode).
Pay the visa application fee (MRV). For tourists, the value is $ 160 (maybe different value) and the payment can be made by bank transfer or credit card.
Schedule your interview by site through registration, stating the confirmation code of your DS-160, or by calling (61) 2626-6503 (maybe different), Monday through Friday, from 7 up to 19h. Applicants under 15 years old or over 66 years do not need to go through an interview.
In the scheduled date, attends a Service Center Visa Applicant (ASC) – in Brasilia in 2000 Venancio (SCS, Block 8, Block B) – which will be harvested your digital photo prints. It must take: valid passport, prior passports with valid visas or due and the confirmation page of the DS-160 form. (see
The average time for delivery of the passport with the visa is 10 days after the interview. If after this period, the applicant does not receive the document, please send an email to [email protected] or [email protected]. You can also get the passport at the interview location (Embassy or Consulate) within five business days, at the scheduled time.‘
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