The solidus designates a bounded area (“Raumbegrenzung”). Any route that passes through the designated stations or between them is covered by the ticket.
The asterisk means that the route must pass through the named station. I suspect, but have found no online confirmation of this, that the asterisk has priority over the solidus, because assuming the converse seems to lead to an absurd result. If this is correct, then the ticket is valid for any route that:
The link above is to a page on which includes the following text describing the route description SIN*(OG/S)
on a ticket to Karlsruhe:
Die beiden anderen Orte sind eingeklammert und mit einem Schrägstrich getrennt. Die so getrennten Orte beschreiben eine sog. Raumbegrenzung, d.h. die Fahrkarte ist sowohl gültig auf der Strecke über Offenburg als auch über Stuttgart und darüber hinaus auf den Strecken zwischen diesen beiden Punkten, sofern die Strecken auf das Ziel Karlsruhe hinführen.
Translation (mine; corrections welcome):
The two other places are enclosed in parentheses and separated by a slash. These places describe a so-called “bounded area,” meaning that the ticket is valid both on the route through Offenburg and on the route through Stuttgart, as well as on the routes that pass between these two points, inasmuch as these routes lead to Karlsruhe.
There is also a helpful graphic illustrating the concept. The image is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0, but I’m nonetheless uncertain about reproducing it here.‘
4 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024