It’s possible for two airlines to share the same code, under some circumstances. They’re usually in different regions of the world. There are only a limited number of two-letter combinations.
In addition, from Wiki:
After an airline is delisted, IATA can make the code available for
reuse after six months and can issue “controlled duplicates”.
Controlled duplicates are issued to regional airlines whose
destinations are not likely to overlap, so that the same code is
shared by two airlines. The controlled duplicate is denoted here, and
in IATA literature, with an asterisk (*).
My working theory is that possibly Heli France has shutdown? I can’t find recent references to it…
To back up this theory, it’s worth noting that Fly Lappeeenranta also had the same IATA code, but stopped flying in 2010.
so in conclusion, it’s entirely possible for airlines to re-use past IATA codes, and also potentially possible for duplicate ones in non-overlapping regions of the world, given the limited set of 2-letter codes ((26+10)^2) = 1296 airlines.‘
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024