How can roadside cafe quality be measured in Greece or Turkey?

How can roadside cafe quality be measured in Greece or Turkey?

1/8/2018 2:54:32 PM

In Greece, you can find many coffee shops in every city. On the other hand, when you go on a road trip, this luxury is not easy… So, I suggest you get your take away coffee at the beginning of your trip or when you make your stop at the big resting places on the high way.

There are plenty of good quality Coffee Chains in Greece like:
Coffee Island, Gregory’s, Mikel, Coffee Lab, Everest, Starbucks and more…

Safe coffee choices when in Greece:
-Espresso (hot or cold)
-Cappuccino (hot or cold)
-Frappe (cold) or Nescafe (hot)
-Elleniko kafe (aka Greek coffee, hot)

7/1/2013 12:02:32 PM

Well for Turkey, for road-side cafes and lorries, if there are many lorries, the that cafe is a cheap place where customers probably prefer white beans and rice (a popular duo for truckers). Below is a picture what I mean with white beans and rice

white beans and rice

I prefer you not to choose such places.

Beyond that, you probably will find have three type of restaurants:

  • Fast food restaurants: You can find food like sandwiches and doner-kebab. Too cheap restaurants are not good, Since such thing are prepared in open kitchens, you can examine the meat and the other ingredients (salads etc…) before you can decide.

Fast food restaurant

  • Table d’hote Restaurants: Tabldot in Turkish, these restaurants offers a few options for soups, main course and desert. They are a bit more expensive than fast food restaurants. Since all the food options are behind a glass covered desk, you can examine the food before you choose. You may even ask to taste it before you choose, since owner of the most such restaurants are polite people, that will not cause any problem. But after you taste something, it is not a good idea to change your mind on eating there, since that might be seem a bit unpolite.

Table d'hote Restaurant

  • Normal Restaurants: These are normal restaurants you can find in every country, Have close kitchens and it is unlikely to get an idea about food quality and taste before you order something.
5/27/2013 7:47:45 PM

99% sure that they are not good cafes. But where a lot of buses are stopped, they are really expensive. If it is only trucks, it is probably cheaper. But quality, I would say is hit or missed. I wouldn’t judge something by the material their cutlery is made out of though.

But I would judge it by their restrooms.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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