How can my friend who lost her French residence permit card before exiting the Schengen Area return to France?

2/22/2017 11:29:39 PM

As stated by OP in the comments:

Finally, I suggested my friend buy a combined ticket, Morocco –> France –> China, and try to go through French customs. Luckily, the officials in Paris passed her through customs. She is on the way to the Pink City.

So the answer was to buy a one-way ticket from Morocco to China via France and then proceed to exit to the city through customs.

2/21/2017 1:45:09 PM

I am afraid that your friend’s situation is very dire. The visa de retour is indeed the right solution to return to France if you had to leave it without proper documentation. If you read the official documentation however, you will see it mentions “force majeure”, which means something you could not avoid and it’s not clear to me that it applies here. From the perspective of the French government, she should probably have postponed her trip.

Given that and since the consulate already refused her request, this does not seem like an option in this case. You could still try one more time and if you provide more details about the reason for the refusal someone might be able to suggest how. But that’s a long shot at best. At the end of the day, there is nothing you can do to circumvent the consulate and there is nothing forcing them to help you. Appeals are possible but that’s a long and arduous process so even if you had legal grounds to appeal (which is not the case here, as far as I can tell), it wouldn’t solve the issue quickly.

Unfortunately, it seems that the only option left is returning to China and restarting the student visa process from the beginning. Do try to get professional advice from a lawyer based in France and some experience of these matters as even that might not be trivial (at this point, your friend isn’t making progress in her studies – which is grounds for refusing to renew a student permit – and would need to prove she could register again next year).

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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