How can I wash myself Indian-style (using water not toilet paper) in Western toilets?

How can I wash myself Indian-style (using water not toilet paper) in Western toilets?

3/10/2015 2:45:11 PM

OK, I am an Indian using Western toilets regularly and here is how I do it.

When you flush the toilet, water pours in from inside of the pot. I use my hands to direct that water to my anus, thereby cleaning it completely. However I find that toilet paper is always useful to administer the ‘last rites’, i.e., to remove all vestiges of faecal matter on the anus.

This is the default process I use in many places. However in some places a mug could be available, in which case, I pour tap water from the washbasin into the mug and use it.

The only concern in this method is regarding how you use your hands. Catch water while ensuring that hands do not touch the inside of the pot.

12/16/2014 9:19:20 PM

Using tissue to clean the private parts not only makes some one feel unhygienic and dirty since it leaves residues and soils the clothes… Apart from this it also causes infections … As the poop drops in the commode it splashes dirty water on the private parts from the commode below which normally doesn’t happen in an Indian toilet…. Squatting while using an Indian toilet has its own advantages it prevents constipation and hemorrhoids/ piles to some extent which is proven scientifically… Western commodes are helpful in a few cases if you have elders at home who have joint problems… so install both in the houses… Americans have highest rate of UTI’s in the world because they do not use water to wash their private parts during urinating or defecation… The solution is simple carry a small bottle where ever you go ….. if not you will end up having urinary tract infections (UTI’s)…. I am suggesting you this being a Doctor myself… Haha you can request the US government to install Indian toilets too along with western commodes…

10/13/2014 4:56:13 PM

There are Japanese products, which would do what you are looking for. You can find them in the online stores as “Portable Washlet” or “Washlet”.

10/11/2014 12:01:15 PM

I call it “Manual Bidet”. Left hand with a rubber/plastic glove + water bottle. Use paper toilet paper to remove “excess” waste, then wash with water bottle. No direct handling of “poop”. Believe me, I’m a male nurse…been cleaning patients for >40 years… 🙂

5/6/2021 4:12:27 PM

Get a Hand Bidet Sprayer, and then you can clean with water conveniently. Nothing you can do about a public toilet but as soon as you get home you’ll be all set and your visiting guests will be much happier also!
enter image description here

3/27/2014 3:20:00 PM

This may not be exactly what you are looking for, but it will be better than just dry toilet paper. Wet wipes are sold in most grocery/sundries stores in the baby section. They can even be purchased in small packages which are made to fit in a purse and some of them are specifically sold as being flushable (i.e. it’s ok to just throw them in the toilet afterwards). I usually take some of these along for hiking/camping trips when I’m not sure how long I’ll have to go without a shower.

3/27/2014 11:12:40 PM

Many of my Japanese colleagues (as well as Indian colleagues) usually prefer to stay in hotels that provide bidet toilet pots. If that is not available then most will keep an empty bottle in their bathrooms. I can say this for sure about my buddies from the Middle East, India and Asia in general. It is fairly common to instruct house keeping not to dispose of the bottles from the bathroom. Or they will keep a glass which is washed regularly

If one really needs to relieve themselves in a public bathroom, IMO, it is alright to take a PET bottle along with oneself. I have given away many of my used soda bottles to colleagues in emergencies. Even in public toilets I haven’t seen anyone bat an eyelid if someone takes in a bottle of water with them. Just don’t leave the place wet and soggy. If a bottle isn’t available most people will simply wet some tissue paper at the sink and take it along with them as apparently cleaning with toilet paper will never give the feeling of clean to most people not used to it.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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