How can I visit 'Null Island'?

5/10/2016 1:28:39 PM

The fascinating Confluence Project records four visits to (0,0).

  1. Visit #1 was by a US Coast Guard vessel that happened to be sailing past, and they took a (bad) photo of the buoy too.
  2. Visit #2 is not listed. Mysterious…
  3. Visit #3 was by a group of artists (!), who sailed from Hamburg, Germany to Tema, Ghana on a cargo ship. There they chartered a boat and sailed almost two days non-stop to get nearby, finally taking a small zodiac (rubber dinghy) to the exact spot. This is the only remotely practical option for the average tourist, and also the first and only visit that fully met the Confluence Project’s exacting rules — but no sign of the buoy!?
  4. Visit #4 was on a research ship sailing from Angola to Europe.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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