How can I travel to the Great Pacific garbage patch?

6/20/2016 10:24:04 AM

6/18/2016 4:08:09 PM

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch doesn’t exist, not in the sense you are thinking.

The name “garbage patch” may conjure up an image of a gigantic bouillabaisse of floating trash: empty soda bottles, soggy cast-off clothing, old pizza boxes.

It’s nothing of the kind. The “garbage” consists of tiny plastic particles, too small or almost too small to see, and the average concentration of debris is 5.1 mg per square meter of ocean, considerably cleaner than an Olympic swimming pool with a single gum wrapper in it.

The Patch may have long-term environment effects, I don’t know, but I know you cannot see it.

6/18/2016 9:39:38 AM

  1. it moves around, so there’s no fixed place to visit
  2. there’s nothing to see. Not only are the bits and pieces small and mostly invisible against sea water, they’re also mostly below the surface
  3. disaster tourism is generally discouraged in any civilised nation
  4. there’s simply not enough (luckily) interest to organise tour boats (well, tour cruise liners, a typical tour boat wouldn’t survive that far out to sea)

No doubt you can charter a large ocean going ship and go looking, if you have the funds. But why would you want to?

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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