From January 31st 2023, it is possible to to check in to NS trains using a contactless credit or debit card . Some other regional trains and buses work as well, but at this moment not all do. Check out the list here.
From the FAQ:
There are some restrictions, e.g. you can can only check in once, so any traveling companion will need their own card. Furthermore, it’s 2nd class only, and no discount cards can be used.
Good news, it is now possible (since January 2018) to buy a train ticket with a creditcard on the website of NS.
Source: I’m Dutch.
Unfortunately, the Dutch rail system is not very user-friendly for foreigners.
In Rotterdam we tried to buy our tickets to Amsterdam via the “self-serve” machine outside the station. We found out that not only does it not take international credit cards, but it also does NOT accept Euro bills.
The total cost for 2 tickets was 28 Euros. Rather than letting me put in three 10 Euro bills (and giving me back 2 Euros for change) I had to go to a nearby casino, exchange my money for 1-Euro coins, and then put 28 coins into the machine to get our tickets. Completely ridiculous!
So, if you intend to buy rail tickets in the Netherlands, apparently the only way to do so is with a Dutch account or coins!
It is indeed impossible to buy tickets online at the website of the Dutch railways. One exception is maybe the international subdivision HISpeed, but only if your journey involves crossing a border.
You could though buy your Dutch railway tickets online at the Belgian Railways. They use the same booking systems, and the online tickets have the same format. Only the Belgian railways do accept credit cards.
According to the online instructions (English or Dutch), you can only pay with iDeal, which is a system for online bank transactions in the Netherlands. From this, I conclude that it is not possible to pay with credit card (this is surprising to me) and thus not without a Dutch bank account.
Additional info: online tickets are not cheaper in the Netherlands. Ticket price is fixed for trips/distances, and does not depend on any other factor, such as time. Also, national trains in the Netherlands do not offer seat reservation (this is only for international trains). In other words, you will be fine by buying a ticket at a ticket machine upon arrival.‘
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024