How can a non-Chinese-speaking traveller use the free Wi-Fi in 7-Elevens in Taiwan?

5/12/2023 4:02:09 PM

As of 2023, 7-Eleven convenience stores in Taiwan have revamped their ibon Wi-Fi and it is now a very simple and quick 1-click process to use!

No need to read Chinese, no need to enter a phone number or passport number. Just tap or click and start browsing.

10/3/2016 11:07:48 AM

Well there’s another way that will sometimes get you access to free Wi-Fi in 7-Elevens in Taiwan even without figuring out how to use these systems.

In Dulan village in Taitung I asked the server at the front counter to help me log in to the Wi-Fi since a local expat friend told me they set up his for him.

I passed her my tablet with the login screen as shown in my question. Her English was not good so I’m not sure exactly what she asked me.

But it turned out they have a Wi-Fi in this 7-Eleven with just a regular password login as well as the ibon signal and the usual paid signals. She just entered the password for that signal for me!

So it’s worth just asking the staff, they may sidestep the whole thing! Might help if you’re a regular, paying customer. Might help if you’re an “interesting foreigner”. Might not work in busy stores in cities or tourist traps.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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