From the new rules that activated yesterday, these parts were REMOVED from the rules…
you’re travelling from (or on part of a reasonable journey from)
Australia, Canada, New Zealand or the USA and have a valid visa for
that countryyou’re travelling from (or on part of a reasonable journey from)
Australia, Canada, New Zealand or the USA and it’s less than 6 months
since you last entered that country with a valid entry visa
Visitor in Transit Strategy: You only need a valid visa for entry into the USA (Australia, etc). Being on the leg of a trip to/from the USA (Australia, etc) is now irrelevant. The US visa, or any other exemption document listed in the rules, such as a valid common format Category D visa for entry to an EEA state or Switzerland is sufficient to qualify.
Temporary Admission Strategy: Failing all of that, it is also perfectly acceptable to ask an Immigration Officer for a Temporary Admission. There’s paperwork, and they will take custody of your passport, but it’s an avenue if all else fails. They do not have to give a TA if they don’t want to, and they do not have to have a good reason for refusing. However it does NOT count as a refusal that must be reported in subsequent applications.‘
5 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024