Have you ever entered Singapore using a different passport or name?

4/11/2019 11:34:21 AM

I would really not recommend lying to the authorities, especially in foreign countries, especially in Singapore where the death penalty is still a thing. Just mark Yes.

4/10/2019 2:50:37 PM

You should answer Yes.

Even if you hadn’t spelled your name differently, because you used a different passport you would have to answer ‘yes’. You should explain the circumstances fully.

Even if the name change was the only issue it would be better to answer ‘yes’. The authorities are likely to look at the issue and treat it as a trivial matter. However if you don’t tell them they may think you have something to hide, and technically you would have lied on an official form.

It is almost always better to put information on an official form if you are in doubt.

And to an organization that largely deals with written records, a change of spelling will be considered a change of name.


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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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