Has the Stalin Musem in Batumi shut down for good or will it reopen?

9/9/2013 9:40:06 PM

I tried to visit it today. No signs of a museum there. Guy from hardware store nearby led us to a steel fence and we made our way inside. Stalin’s postument is no longer there and we found a guy lying on a bed surrounded with vodka and beer bottles and ashtray full of f*gs, he himself looked as Stalin with his moustache and hairstyle;) So I don’t think that it is to be opened in near future… especially according to the hen wandering in the garden.

5/22/2012 2:29:25 PM

I went to the Batumi one about a year and a half ago. All three rooms of the museum were open and there were staff on hand to sell tickets.

There was no indication at the time that it was going to be shut down.


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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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