What Majors Is Drexel University Known For

Discovering Drexel University's Renowned Majors

When it comes to higher education, Drexel University stands among the top institutions in the country. Known for its cutting-edge research, innovative programs, and commitment to experiential learning, Drexel offers a wide range of majors across various fields of study.

Engineering: Pioneering the Future

Drexel University's College of Engineering is highly regarded for its groundbreaking research and exceptional programs. With majors such as Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering, students have the opportunity to join the ranks of future engineers making a difference in the world.

Business and Entrepreneurship: Cultivating Leaders

The LeBow College of Business at Drexel University provides students with a strong foundation in business principles, preparing them to excel in a competitive global market. Majors like Finance, Marketing, Accounting, Business Analytics, and Entrepreneurship equip students with the skills needed to lead and innovate in a dynamic business environment.

Health Sciences: Nurturing Healthcare Professionals

Drexel's College of Nursing and Health Professions offers an impressive array of majors for students passionate about healthcare. From Nursing, Medical Laboratory Science, and Nutrition and Foods to Health Services Administration and Behavioral Health Counseling, Drexel prepares students for rewarding careers in the field of health sciences.

Information Technology: Shaping the Digital World

As technology continues to advance rapidly, Drexel's College of Computing and Informatics equips students with the skills to navigate this ever-changing landscape. Majors including Computer Science, Data Science, Information Systems, and Software Engineering provide students with comprehensive knowledge and hands-on experience in the world of information technology.

Media Arts and Design: Unleashing Creative Potential

Drexel's Westphal College of Media Arts and Design offers a range of majors tailored to students who want to unleash their creative talents. With programs like Animation and Visual Effects, Graphic Design, Photography, Game Design and Production, and Film and Video, students have the opportunity to express themselves and bring their artistic visions to life.


Q: How can I apply to Drexel University?

A: To apply to Drexel University, you can visit their official website and complete the online application form. Make sure to review the specific admission requirements for your desired major and submit any additional documents required.

Q: What support services are available for Drexel students?

A: Drexel University provides a range of support services to ensure student success. These include academic advising, career services, tutoring centers, counseling centers, and various student organizations dedicated to diverse interests and causes.

Q: Are there opportunities for internships and co-op experiences?

A: Absolutely! Drexel University prides itself on its strong co-op program, offering students the opportunity to gain valuable real-world experience related to their majors. The university's extensive network of industry connections provides students with numerous internship and co-op opportunities to enhance their learning and future career prospects.

Q: Can I double major or minor in different fields at Drexel University?

A: Yes, Drexel University offers the flexibility for students to double major or pursue a minor in different fields. However, it is important to consult with academic advisors to ensure proper planning and course requirements for each major or minor chosen.

Q: What makes Drexel University unique?

A: Drexel University's cooperative education program, which integrates rigorous classroom learning with valuable on-the-job experience, sets it apart from other institutions. Students have the opportunity to alternate between classroom instruction and professional employment, giving them a distinct advantage upon graduation.

In conclusion, Drexel University is widely acclaimed for its majors in Engineering, Business and Entrepreneurship, Health Sciences, Information Technology, and Media Arts and Design. With an emphasis on experiential learning, coupled with an array of support services and unique programs like cooperative education, Drexel provides students with the tools they need to succeed in their chosen career paths. Apply today and embark on an extraordinary educational journey at Drexel University!

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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