What Is Tanzanite Known For

What is Tanzanite Known For?

Tanzanite is a mesmerizing gemstone that is known for its captivating blue-violet color. Here, we will delve into the history, properties, and significance of tanzanite, providing you with a comprehensive guide to this remarkable gem.

The Discovery of Tanzanite

Tanzanite was discovered relatively recently, in 1967, in the foothills of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. A Masai tribesman named Ali Juuyawatu stumbled upon a cluster of transparent blue crystals and brought them to a gem prospector named Manuel de Souza. Initially thought to be sapphires, further examination revealed that this new find was an entirely different gemstone. It was subsequently named 'tanzanite', after the country of its origin.

The Properties of Tanzanite

Tanzanite belongs to the mineral zoisite and is renowned for its pleochroism, meaning it displays different colors when viewed from different angles. This captivating gemstone exhibits shades of cornflower blue, velvety violet, and sometimes even burgundy. The finest tanzanite displays a vivid blue hue and is often more valuable than sapphire, emerald, and ruby.

The Significance of Tanzanite

Tanzanite is believed to possess various metaphysical and healing properties. It is considered a stone of transformation and spiritual enlightenment. Some believe that tanzanite enhances communication with the spiritual realm and facilitates deep meditation. It is also said to promote compassion, self-awareness, and a greater sense of purpose.

Tanzanite's Rising Popularity

Since its discovery, tanzanite has steadily risen in popularity. Its unique color and limited supply make it highly sought after by collectors and jewelry enthusiasts alike. Tanzanite jewelry, including rings, pendants, earrings, and bracelets, is increasingly embraced for its timeless beauty and allure. The gem's popularity has grown to the extent that tanzanite is now regarded as one of the birthstones for December, along with turquoise and zircon.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

Q: How should I care for my tanzanite jewelry?

A: Tanzanite is relatively softer compared to other gemstones, such as diamonds, sapphires, and rubies. Therefore, proper care and cleaning are essential to maintain its brilliance. Avoid exposing tanzanite jewelry to harsh chemicals or extreme temperature changes. Clean your tanzanite pieces with mild soap, warm water, and a soft brush. Remember to store them separately to prevent scratching.

In conclusion, tanzanite is a remarkable gemstone known for its beguiling blue-violet color, and it holds a significant place in the world of gems. Its rarity, metaphysical properties, and increasing popularity make it a prized possession for those seeking a touch of elegance and spirituality in their lives.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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