Can Canidian Citizen Get Australian Pr Automatically

Can Canadian Citizens Get Australian PR Automatically?

Canada and Australia are both popular destinations for individuals seeking permanent residency (PR) and a better quality of life. While the two countries have different immigration systems, it is not possible for Canadian citizens to automatically obtain Australian permanent residency without going through the required application process.

Understanding the Australian Permanent Residency (PR) Process

In order to obtain Australian permanent residency, Canadian citizens need to apply through the appropriate immigration channels and meet the eligibility criteria set by the Australian Government. The most common pathway for Canadian citizens to obtain Australian PR is through skilled migration.

Skilled Migration

Australian skilled migration programs are designed to attract individuals with specific skills and qualifications that are in demand in the country. Canadian citizens who wish to migrate under this category need to complete a skill assessment to determine if their qualifications and experience align with the requirements of Australian employers.

Points-Based System

Australia follows a points-based system for skilled migration. Points are awarded based on various factors, including age, English language proficiency, work experience, educational qualifications, and other specific criteria. Canadian citizens need to score a minimum number of points to be eligible to apply for PR.

Expression of Interest (EOI)

Once the assessment is complete and the required points are met, Canadian citizens can submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) through the Australian Department of Home Affairs' SkillSelect portal. The EOI indicates the applicant's interest in obtaining Australian PR and provides details about their skills, qualifications, and other relevant information.

Invitation to Apply (ITA)

Based on the information provided in the EOI, the Australian Government conducts regular invitation rounds to select applicants with the highest point scores. If a Canadian citizen receives an Invitation to Apply (ITA), they can proceed with their PR application.

Documents and Verification

During the PR application process, Canadian citizens will need to submit various documents, such as educational certificates, proof of work experience, language test results, and health and character assessments. The application will also undergo a thorough verification process conducted by the Australian Government.

Frequently Asked Question

Can Canadian citizens apply for Australian PR while residing in Canada?

Yes, Canadian citizens can apply for Australian PR while residing in Canada. The entire application process, including the submission of required documents and verifications, can be done online. It is not mandatory to be physically present in Australia during the application process.


While Canadian citizens cannot automatically obtain Australian permanent residency, they can explore the skilled migration pathway and apply for PR through the required channels. It is important for Canadian citizens to thoroughly understand the eligibility criteria, the points-based system, and the application process to maximize their chances of a successful PR application.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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