Can An Australian Become A New Zealand Citizen

Can an Australian Become a New Zealand Citizen?

Many Australians often wonder if they can become citizens of the neighboring country, New Zealand. The close proximity, cultural similarities, and opportunities in New Zealand make it an appealing destination for Australians looking to explore new horizons. In this blog post, we will delve into the process and requirements for an Australian to become a New Zealand citizen, providing you with a detailed guide.

Residency Requirements

In order for an Australian to become a citizen of New Zealand, there are certain residency requirements that need to be met. These requirements primarily focus on the length of time an individual has lived in New Zealand, as well as their visa status.

To be eligible for New Zealand citizenship, an Australian must have spent at least five years residing in New Zealand. This means having a valid visa that allows for continuous residency throughout those five years. It's important to note that temporary visas, such as work or student visas, do not count towards the residency requirement.

The Application Process

Once the residency requirement is fulfilled, an Australian can proceed with the application process for New Zealand citizenship. The process involves several steps outlined below:

  1. Gather Required Documents: As with any citizenship application, certain documents will be required. These may include proof of identity, evidence of residency, character references, and potentially additional documents depending on individual circumstances.
  2. Complete the Application: The application form can be obtained from the New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs website or their local offices. Carefully fill in all the necessary details and attach the required documents.
  3. Submit the Application: Once the application form is completed, it can be submitted online or by sending it via mail to the Department of Internal Affairs address provided on the website.
  4. Pay the Application Fee: There is an application fee associated with the citizenship process. The current fee is indicated on the application form, and it must be paid at the time of submission.
  5. Processing of Application: After submitting the application, it will be reviewed by the New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs. They will assess the provided information, conduct background checks, and verify the supporting documents.
  6. Citizenship Ceremony: If the application is approved, an invitation to a citizenship ceremony will be sent. At the ceremony, you will take an oath or affirmation of loyalty to New Zealand, marking the moment when you officially become a New Zealand citizen.

Frequently Asked Question

Q: Can I retain my Australian citizenship while becoming a New Zealand citizen?

A: Yes, Australia allows for dual citizenship. Consequently, becoming a citizen of New Zealand should not affect your Australian citizenship. You can hold both citizenships simultaneously, enjoying the rights and benefits associated with each.


By meeting the residency requirements and successfully completing the application process, an Australian can indeed become a citizen of New Zealand. The process may take time and require providing the necessary documentation, but the opportunity to explore new opportunities in a neighboring country makes it worthwhile. Remember, you can retain your Australian citizenship while becoming a New Zealand citizen, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of dual citizenship. So, if you dream of calling New Zealand home, start the journey towards becoming a citizen today!

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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