Terminal de buses de Valparaíso:
Dirección: Pedro Montt 2860, Valparaíso.Colectivos Casablanca – Valparaíso y viceversa:
Dirección: Avenida Argentina con Pedro Montt, ValparaísoServicios particulares contratados en la Ruta del Vino de Casablanca:
Contacto: [email protected]
A quick search for bus departure times indicates that buses run daily every hour or so. The buses are operated by Tur Bus. The journey takes approximately half an hour and the cost at the time of writing (March 2016) is 2700$:
Colectivos and private shuttles must be arranged locally. Schedules and prices are therefore unavailable online. As a rough idea Rome2Rio quotes 30-35 EUR for a taxi.‘