Getting full list of all flights ever made by a person

5/2/2018 3:46:23 PM

As already said, the answer to the question as written is no.

However, you can get a heck of a lot of details of all trips into or out of USA by air or sea since 1982 from the CBP.

What may be disconcerting is how easily someone else can get it, and what kind of information they will obtain.

5/2/2018 7:57:11 AM

Nope, there’s no one place or repository where this is all stored.

When I had to recreate all my trips recently for the past 10 years for a security check, the best sources I had were:

  • my frequent flyer accounts
  • memory
  • my bank statements and credit card statements (for buying flights)
  • my email. Flight bookings, movements, hotels, etc. All helped a ton.
5/2/2018 3:08:33 PM

Unfortunately, no. There is no centralized database of all flights someone has taken anywhere in the world.

There may be ways to help reconstruct some of the information:

  • Frequent flyer accounts
  • Old archived email may contain invoices or confirmations
  • Travel booking website accounts
  • Governments of countries you’ve flown to/from may have immigration/advanced passenger information records you can obtain with a records request (e.g. for the United States)
  • Archives in travel organizer applications (e.g. TripIt)

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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