Free WiFi in Tokyo metro

Free WiFi in Tokyo metro

5/31/2016 5:24:42 AM

In addition to the answer by @nic, you can also use JR-EAST FREE Wi-Fi at some JR stations, and TOBU_Free_Wi-Fi at some Tobu line stations. This also requires you to register the service using email, for your information.

The official documentation is the following:

  • JR, available at Japanese, English, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese.

  • Tobu, available at Japanese, English, Korean, Thai, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese.

Also, you can see a list of available free Wi-Fi beyond the stations, including airport and bus station and some major cafe like Starbucks here.

1/14/2015 3:27:28 AM

Thanks @pnuts for the link that contains the information I was looking for:

Step 1: Select the “Metro_Free_Wi-Fi” or “Toei_Subway_Free_Wi-Fi” SSID
on your laptop or smart device.

Step 2: Launch your web browser.

Step 3: Follow the instructions on the screen (you will be required to
register your email address), and you will be connected to the
internet. You will be able to use the internet for up to 3 hours each
time you log in.

By using the “Japan Connected free Wi-Fi” app and registering your
details, you do not need to log into each Wi-Fi access point.

WiFi is not available in trains, only in stations.
Actually, only a selection of stations:

Tokyo metro free WiFi map

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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