What you got at the border is NOT a visa.
You were admitted at a land border crossing point as a Visa Waiver Program traveler, in WT status. To document this status you got an admission stamp in your passport and possibly also a paper I-94W form — but neither of these is a visa. Visas are issued by embassies/consulates in advance of traveling, not by border crossing points.
Your WT status terminated automatically when you left the US, but it is possible that your departure has not been recorded in the CBP systems, especially if you left by land without handing back your I-94W. To check whether your departure has been recorded, go to https://i94.cbp.dhs.gov/I94/ and search for yourself by name, passport number and DOB.
In any case, having been admitted in WT status does not disqualify you for applying for an ESTA.