For most kids the accepted answer works best.
But if you a child who kicks the seat in front of them and you want to be friendly for the other passengers, book seats in two rows and have the seat kicker sit behind his sibling or parents.
Or book bulk head seats, if available, of course, in which case I would go for the suggested 3 + 2 set-up.
It does indeed appear that your question is asking for opinions, but as an experienced cabin crewmember I can say that in this case there definitely is a best setup:
The best option would be 3 + 2, the two seats are from the adjacent row, not the one behind or front:
Here’s why:
If behind/font, it’s actually harder to communicate visually, standing up is not easy due to smaller overhead space. You will need that a lot to keep an eye on the kids.
First set: 2 kids + 1 adult, Second set: 1 kid + 1 adult.
You will not need to bother any passenger when going out or in, I assume this will happen a lot because of the kids.
Technically, you are in one row.
If the plane has empty seats, there’s a chance that you’ll get the whole row (4 seats), it’s a gamble, but it does happen.‘