FBI digital fingerprints at USPS?

2/10/2020 5:20:27 AM

As you found you have to pay an additional $50 at the post office, so the total is $68.
The extra $50 is sort of hidden as they say something about additional fees may apply.

Note: There are websites on the FBI-Approved Channeler list that will fingerprint and give the full report for less than $50.

Option 3: Submit Your Request to an FBI-Approved Channeler

11/16/2019 5:53:48 PM

I created this question for the future reference since I didn’t find this info until at the actual post office, which was frustrating since I had to travel to a different city to visit an eligible post office.

They warn there may be a processing lag between each of the steps, in my experience everything went through instantly, including them sending out the results. – Theoretically you could do the whole process: apply and get results within minutes.

Here are the steps in order for the full-digital process to get a FBI report:

1.) Register on edo.cjis.gov.

2.) Complete the $18 payment for the EDO.

3.) Register on USPS’s website for digital fingerprint capture with your EDO order number. This must be what they mean by “Pre-registration required” however it’s impossible to find this info or link online.

4.) Go to an eligible post office during service hours. No appointment required.

5.) A post office employee will take your fingerprints and charge you $50.

6.) The FBI will send an email notification when the results are ready. Use the link in the original confirmation email of the EDO to login and view the results.


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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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