Fastest route around the world on regularly scheduled transportation?

Fastest route around the world on regularly scheduled transportation?

4/3/2018 10:37:45 AM

I’d say, Singapore Airlines London to Los Angeles Via Singapore then flying back to London by United/Virgin Atlantic.

2/29/2012 1:01:05 PM

Per your specifications, the fastest route “around the world” is Hong Kong-New York-Hong Kong on Cathay Pacific, scheduled at 32 hours round-trip. Approximate routing:

enter image description here

The flight is non-stop, so London/LHR and Narita/NRT are there only as (rough) route markers. While you’d think the route is a straight line (since it’s just the “same flight” there and back), due to prevailing wind patterns etc it flies around the North Pole as shown above. And yes, it crosses the Tropic of Cancer, which is at 23°26′, while Hong Kong is just south of it at 22°16′.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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