The answer to your question is no. Practically, your option is to tolerate the maximum fare [in breach of the TfL conditions of carriage] and claim a refund, which will be granted unless you make a habit out of it.
6.8.5 […] If you do not touch in at the start and touch out at the end of your journey, you may be charged a maximum fare and this journey will not be included in any daily capping. You may also be liable to a penalty fare or you may be prosecuted.
[My emphasis]
One reason for the policy, is that if you don’t tap out, you cannot prove that you didn’t travel out of the fare zonal system altogether on (for instance) a national rail service. In the past others have exploited this loophole to avoid paying National Rail fares. There are many open interchanges between local Transport for London services and long distance National Rail, in some cases they use the same platforms [for instance at Imperial Wharf station] and in other cases a train can hold both Oyster and regular customers until it leaves London and then it continues with non-Oyster customers only.
The “auto journey completion” happens at TfL’s discretion when they decide to open alternative exits or entrances which don’t have barriers. For example at Fulham Broadway, during a Chelsea football game, they close the main exit and open the fire exits to handle the large number of people coming through. In that case it is difficult to tap out [there are a few validators but the crowd will push you past them quickly], so TfL will guess who exited there and “auto complete” their journeys.‘
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024