Extend tourist visa stay in USA due to coronavirus and waive I-539 fee

3/22/2020 3:54:35 PM

Is filing I-539 the easiest way to extend her stay at this time?

Yes. It’s also the hardest way. It’s the only way.

More seriously, there could be some sort of amnesty or other program offered to nonimmigrants in the US who are affected by the pandemic. If that happens, it could save you a few hundred dollars.

But I wouldn’t count on it. I certainly haven’t heard any mention of it, and the current administration is profoundly anti-immigrant, so it’s unlikely to happen without political pressure.

In terms of risk analysis, the application fee will be well spent.

If so, is it possible to waive the fee due to the Corona virus situation?

Applying for a fee waiver is going to make her look like someone with financial problems, which will have a negative impact on her application as well as future applications for admission to the US. I would not do it.

After filing I-539 should she wait for an approval to continue her stay? Or is the receipt good enough?

Once the application is filed, she can remain until it is refused, or, if it is granted, until the end of the period of extended stay that is granted.


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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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