Ethiopian Airlines tickets seem to always have the same price regardless of the proximity of the date?

7/22/2019 11:03:11 PM

Ethiopia was formerly a fully state-controlled, Marxist economy and despite slow liberalization, many sectors remain government controlled. This includes aviation, where Ethiopian Airlines has a de facto monopoly on domestic flights. Hence fares are both high and fixed: it’s a legacy of state control and there’s no competition.

That said, it may apparently be possible to score cheaper flights via travel agencies in Ethiopia, so it may be worth exploring other options. Bear in mind that Internet penetration in Ethiopia also remains low, so if your schedule is flexible, it might make sense to do this after arrival.

Incidentally, Ethiopia is not alone in this pricing scheme, I recall running into the same system in eg. Laos and a number of Central Asian countries as well. Often there’s a dual pricing system that charges top dollar for foreigners and has subsidized pricing for locals, but I’m not sure if this is the case for Ethiopia as well. (Update: It appears this is indeed the case, with a 66% discount for residents & people traveling to/from Ethiopia on Ethiopian Airlines.)

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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