Encountering Weasels in the Wild in Scotland

7/21/2016 2:38:31 PM

I’m not aware of anywhere that you’re specifically more likely to see weasels (outside of zoos and wildlife parks), but there’s a load of hill and paths you can go on with a chance of seeing them.

In Scotland you can pretty much go anywhere (apart from people’s gardens) but I’d recommend sticking to established paths (there are loads of these all over the country).

In terms of seeing one in the wild, I’ve got to say I think your chances are fairly low. I walk in Argyll every day pretty much and I’ve seen maybe one or two cross my path in the last 3 years.

Larger mustalids (e.g. Pine Martens) are somewhat easier to come across in that they’ll come to places where they get fed, although even then they’re not exactly regular.

One recommendation I would have is that you might have more chance of seeing this kind of wildlife on a ranger guided tour somewhere like Aigas


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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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