Dual Colombian and US Citizenship – can I enter Brazil visa-free as a Colombian?

12/17/2013 10:13:01 AM

I don’t know about Brazil specifically but generally speaking there is no reason this should be a problem even if these things are rarely defined explicitly anywhere. In practice, if you are asked about other nationalities (which would be unusual except perhaps if the border guard notices that you are traveling from/to the US without a visa), lying sounds like a bad idea, just tell the truth and nothing much should happen.

Two exceptions come to mind:

  • You are a citizen of the country you are trying to enter. In many countries, it’s mandatory to disclose that and use the local passport to enter. In countries that forbid dual-citizenship, you might even get into serious trouble if the authorities find out you have another nationality.
  • Politically sensitive situations like Israel/UAE. Note that even in this case, the UAE did not recognize Israeli passports but dual citizens could still enter, only after the Assassination of Mahmoud Al-Mabhouh did they go to the trouble of actually banning Israeli citizens who also had another nationality. Typically, laws about entry are written with (relatively) simple cases in mind and if you qualify under some rule, other more restrictive rules don’t matter.
12/16/2013 2:21:17 PM

If you travel from USA to Brazil, you will need both passports – the US one to leave the USA (source) and the Colombian one to enter Brazil.

Certainly you will have to show the airline your Colombian passport to proof that you’re allowed to enter Brazil.

The only thing you must keep in mind about dual citizenship is that, if you go to Brazil on your Colombian passport, in case of an emergency, the US Embassy may not give you diplomatic protection since you are a Colombian citizen in Brazil. From travel.state.gov :

In addition, their dual nationality may hamper efforts to provide
U.S. diplomatic and consular protection to them when they are abroad,
especially when they are in the country of their second nationality.


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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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