Dual citizen traveling to Canada and US

1/12/2020 10:33:26 PM

Your passport cannot be taken from you because you were born in Iran. You cannot be deprived of US citizenship because you were born in Iran. As a US citizen, you cannot be refused entry to the US. None of that changes because you hold another citizenship in addition to the US citizenship.

However, we can’t predict whether you’ll be temporarily detained for any reason, as some US citizens with Iranian backgrounds recently have been, nor how long you might be delayed at the border. As far as I’ve heard, those reports were limited to one port of entry in Washington state, but I have not followed it closely.

You might want to see if the local chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union can give you the number of a lawyer to call in case there is a problem. If you do make the trip, please come back and post an answer describing your experience.


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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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