If driving from Ireland into Northern Ireland in a rental car make sure to tell the rental/insurance company as you are technically taking the car to a different country.
Remember that for most, adjusting to driving on the left isn’t the hard part, it’s adjusting to sitting on the right of the car. You’ll have this instinct to veer more to the left of your lane than normal – fight this!
Roundabouts also seem to surprise some foreigners (we have them in NZ and see the results). Follow the general rule that traffic in the circle has right of way, and you’ll be grand.
Be aware that many small country roads in Ireland (and wow, in Cornwall, but that’s another story) are very narrow, often with stone walls. Do not go fast down these, and be prepared to stop and reverse if traffic comes the other way. If unsure, follow the local’s lead, they’re very courteous and will give you advice or help if you need it. If they blink their lights at you while pulled over, it may be an indication that you should pass while they wait for you.
Note that while speed is in km as you’ve noticed, sometimes not all signs are bilingual, so be prepared for some surprises.
Also note that the handles at the gas station might be different to back home – green is unleaded, in Ireland.
In general, drive defensively, safely, wear a seatbelt, and don’t plan on achieving too much distance in a day.
5 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024