Does Lufthansa weigh your carry on luggage?

7/12/2019 1:41:00 PM

You didn’t mention if you are going to have checked baggage as well, so my reply is in the case where you don’t.

I have travelled with Lufthansa in Europe more than 10 times in the past 3 years, and every time I just had a backpack as a carry-on luggage and a laptop bag as a personal item. Because I did my check-in online I just skipped going to the check-in and straight to the security check. Nobody ever weighed my backpack, even though I am sure sometimes it weighed about 10 KG. Also, nobody said anything when boarding or on the plane.

7/11/2019 1:08:42 AM

They might, but you should not worry too much.

If it is weighted and goes over the limit and the check-in clerk does not let you “pass this time” you have other options.

You can swap items form carry-on luggage to checked-in luggage. You can leave the desk and check-in later with some items in your pockets, etc.

The best advice, however, is to check-in as early as possible and use small (not bulky) carry-on luggage (backpacks are better than suitcases).

7/10/2019 5:58:48 PM

How long is a piece of a string?

Having flown Lufthansa over 20 times this year alone and 100s of times in total here are my experiences.

  • If your carry on is large you risk a weighing more often.
  • If the flight is totally full you risk a weighing more often.
  • If you arrive late at check in you risk a weighing more often.

In reality if you are on time and your carry on is not massively oversize a weighing is actually very rare. It has happened to me 2 times this year and maybe 10 in total. Only 1 time have I been asked to remove something from the bag because it was almost double the allowed the weight.

Many times if the excess weight is small it’s ok, barring the full flight challenge where weight becomes a factor for fuel and safety reasons. I assume, but I am not an airliner expert so that part is speculation.

7/9/2019 11:05:02 PM


In my experience, it happens about in 10%-20% of my LH group flights (including Swiss and Austrian).

I have a pretty big roll aboard suitcase which probably triggers more attention than a smaller piece of carry on. In all cases, taking out a jacket or moving something heavy to my backpack did the trick, but I always make sure I’m not horribly overweight. Anything over 8.5 kg can get you flagged.

7/9/2019 7:59:59 PM

Yes. According to Carry-on baggage rules at Lufthansa

For a smooth boarding procedure, more stowage space on board and a
punctual departure, it is essential that your carry-on baggage
corresponds to the regulations. That is why we check your carry-on
baggage against the permitted dimensions, quantity and weight at
departure airports.

And from a detailed Trip Advisor post about Lufthansa carry-on baggage

My experience – YES. It’s weighed at check in and can be weighed at
the gate for passengers connecting from a different airline to LH. And
I have seen people sent away to consolidate their carry on weight

Here’s what I’ve done in some cases (chortle chortle). Note you are
also allowed a smaller personal item (e.g. laptop bag). I’ve had cases
where I have moved a heavier item (e.g. laptop power adapters/chords
or a camera lens) from carry on to personal item in order to make the
weight limit for the carry on, and then moved it back. You can also in
some cases use your jacket pockets. I’ve done that more so with
airlines that have a 7kg carry on limit (EVA, Jet Airways). As long as
the airline doesn’t impose a total weight limit for both carry on and
PI that strategy works.

Suggest you get a set of luggage scales, and before you leave weigh
your bags in certain configurations and plan what to swap from bag to
bag. That way you can remain “legal” weight wise and not get stung.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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