While drugstore diapers are usually only good for leaks and drips, there are some high quality adult diapers that will contain pretty much any urinary output. One of these is detailed here: http://www.abenaabri-form.com/
They also make “doublers” or inserts that add to the absorbency of the diaper. With a premium adult diaper and a doubler, the capacity can approach a gallon of liquid, although I am not sure that I would want to test those limits.
I did some googling around and they are called piddle packs. It seems more a solution for pilots then it is for passengers.
Dutch source
Adult diapers are widely available, if not at the pharmacy then at shops that cater to the elderly and/or infirmed. Many people who are incontinent or confined to wheelchairs use them regularly to prevent embarrassing accidents. They’re not perfect, you might have a bit of an odor, but you won’t leave a giant puddle. Things might get a bit unpleasant if you are required to enter secondary inspection at a port of entry, but if you’re not embarrassed and are not smuggling drugs in your diaper, it’s their problem I guess.
The US military has some systems that are compatible with both varieties of factory pilot plumbing, but they’re $2,000 each, so not likely to be practical for a typical Greyhound passenger.
There are also accessories on some small planes that can be used by pilots who have their own appropriate matching plumbing factory-installed. They are called “pilot relief tubes” and just conduct the urine to the great outdoors where it can be enjoyed by woodland creatures and whatever else is under your flight path.
Aside from “personal” devices, aircraft supply houses do have some other options, which would probably not be suitable for use in public. They’re basically a disposable bag with some gel. Trying to use water bottles and airsickness bags has been done, but the results reportedly can be sub-optimal.
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024