No. This is not generally done. There may be some regional variation in average tips unrelated to the minimum wage, but the broad tipping guidelines do not change.
There are many aspects of the tipping system that are problematic, and the difference in wages at restaurants between wait staff and non-tipped staff, including the people who actually cook your food, is certainly one of those aspects. Statewide variation in minimum wage laws are another problematic part of the system. However, that’s not something you can really address as a customer. Some restaurants in the US, especially certain high-end ones, are experimenting with no-tipping policies, instead charging a service fee (or higher food prices) and paying staff more, with mixed results for the restaurants and the staff. If you’re at such a restaurant, the policy will be made clear to you on the menu or otherwise.
But in general, as a customer, you are not privy to the financial arrangements of the restaurant and its staff, including whatever tip pooling or sharing arrangements may exist (bartenders and bussers often receive some share of tips; the situation for kitchen staff is much more complicated, as including them in tip pools may be illegal). You are not able to single-handedly fix the problems with the system. All you can really do is tip your waitstaff well according to the prevailing customs and try, to the extent you can know, to patronize restaurants that take good care of their employees.‘
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024