Do I really have to register with the police when staying with a friend in Croatia?

5/8/2016 2:15:33 PM

EU-Bürger müssen sich bei einem Aufenthalt von bis zu 90 Tagen nicht mehr bei den örtlichen Behörden registrieren lassen.



EU citizens no longer have to register locally during a stay (in Croatia) of up to 90 days.

5/30/2012 6:32:47 PM

Yes, foreigners are required to register with the police, unless it is done by the accommodation you are staying in.

This is regulated in the Croatian Aliens Act, sections 147(1) and 147(5):

Članak 147.

(1) Stranac na kratkotrajnom boravku dužan je sam prijaviti svoj smještaj u roku od 2 dana od ulaska u Republiku Hrvatsku, odnosno od promjene smještaja.

(5) Prijava se podnosi policijskoj upravi, odnosno policijskoj postaji nadležnoj prema mjestu smještaja stranca, a može se izvršiti i u elektroničkom obliku, putem interneta na propisani način.

This roughly translates as:

(1) Aliens on a short-term stay must register their accommodation within two days of entry to the Republic of Croatia or after a change of accommodation.

(5) The application must be submitted to the police or an authorized place of accommodation and can be done electronically over the Internet in due form.

The option to register online was probably added to the most recent edition of the act, valid from January 1st 2012, and I am unable to find any practical implementation of that option. If you want to save time when visiting the police station in Zagreb, you can find the registration form here and fill it out in advance.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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