Do I need to ask for a correction if I received a multiple-entry Schengen visa instead of a single-entry one?

5/9/2018 11:56:07 AM

By the Schengen rules, consulates have wide discretion to issue visas with longer validity than was asked for.

It varies between member state and member state (and sometimes between consulate and consulate) how much use they make of this opportunity. Some will issue long multiple-entry visas as soon as they feel convinced that you’re obviously not an immigration risk. That way your next application will not clog up their backlogs and they will be able to give better service and still spend the necessary time on applicants with more iffy background. Everybody wins.

The advice in the standard leaflet is mostly aimed at getting you to notice early if by mistake you’ve been issued a visa that isn’t even valid for the visit you applied for. That would need to be corrected ASAP, because it’s too late to find out at the border.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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