There seems to be a basic misunderstanding on what the word transit means and is being mixed up with visiting.
When you are passing through another country, soley to arrive to a country of destination: you are in transit.
For this type of travel, many countries require a visa or some form of authorization.
As for visitor visa, it is the sole responsibility of the traveler that
Precondition is mostly that the traveler be allowed into the country of destination.
Such requirements have existed now since the 1920’s, so it is really nothing new and should be no cause for surprise.
Annex 11: Paris Conference on Passports & Customs Formalities and Through Tickets (1920-10-21)
9. Issue of visa. -Transit visas will, unless for exceptional reasons (e.g., undesirables), be issued at once without enquiry solely upon production of the entrance visa for the country of destination in addition to transit visas for the intermediate countries.
10. Duration of validity of visa. – The duration of validity of a visa shall always be the same as that of the entrance visa of the country of destination ; it being clearly understood, moreover, that the transit visa only authorises one or more journeys of normal duration without voluntary interruption of the journey on the part of the traveller across the territory of transit in question.
11. Fee charged. -The maximum fee charged will be 1 franc (gold), and will be subject to the same provisions as contained in Article 8 as regards conditions of equality, reciprocity, the abolition of individual reductions and total exemptions.
I’m afraid that even if you don’t exit the airport or go through passport control, Nigerian citizens (and many others) need a Direct Airside Transit Visa to transit via the UK.
This can be seen very easily using the check if you need a visa tool provided by the UK government.
There are some conditions which could exempt you, I assume none applied to you.
You are solely responsible for making sure you have all the relevant paperwork before buying your ticket. BA were in their right in denying boarding (actually, they were required to do so by UK regulations), and they are in their right in refusing to refund you if the fare does not provide for it.‘
5 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024