Interpreting Article 150 of the JR Kyushu Conditions of Carriage, no you don’t have to board at the same station. You can board on any station that is ahead of the station where you made a stopover and that is on your specified route.
Say I have a ticket from Nagoya to Kanazawa via Tokaido Main Line and Hokuriku Main Line. I can choose to get off at Sabae, then re-board at Awaraonsen to continue my trip to Kanazawa. However, I will not be refunded the fare between Sabae and Awaraonsen.
第150条 旅客は、第148条の規定により乗車券類の券面に表示された発着区間内の途中駅から旅行を開始し、又は同区間内の途中駅で下車した後に前途の駅から乗車した場合の不乗区間については、乗車の請求をすることができない。
“If a passenger starts their journey at a station that lies on the route as indicated on the ticket in accordance with Article 148, or if a passenger makes a stopover at a station, then resumes their journey at a station that is ahead [of the station where the passenger makes a stopover], the passenger forfeits the right to request travel on the unused interval.”
So it seems that this is acceptable – you just don’t get refunded for the interval that you don’t travel.‘
5 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024