Yes! As of 2023, 7-Eleven now has a 1-click free Wi-Fi called "ibon" in the vast majority of locations. Some few Hi-Life locations have a free Wi-Fi called "HiShow", but not many of them and they require a local phone number to register though you can register in English. All FamilyMart locations seem to have one called "Famí-WiFi" that has a difficult sign-in process that’s only in Chinese. I haven’t found an OK Mart that has Wi-Fi yet.
I haven’t worked out the specifics yet but at least on the west coast at least from Lukang (鹿港) in the north to at least Kaohsiung (高雄) in the south I’ve very often found a free Wi-Fi signal called .1.Free Wi-Fi
I was connected to it when I wrote the first draft of this answer:
I found their logo on a phone booth in Chiayi city:
I have found these signals in big cities and small towns and perhaps even isolated villages with a convenience store, but I’m not positive yet. The signals are common but they are not everywhere. In a city you can try wandering around a street or two until you get a strong signal. In a smaller place you might not get one at all. They are not tied to convenience stores.
This one requires a click to get started and then you have to also click on an ad. Each time your time/megabytes gets used up you need to click on an ad that will pop up again. If you use it for a long time these popups get more and more frequent.
I finally managed to find their website but it’s only in Chinese and Google Translating it doesn’t tell me very much. It’s a product of a company called "OPEN LiFE". The Chinese name is 點一點免費上網 (diǎn-yī-diǎn miǎnfèi shàngwǎng) "little-by-little free online".
Last time I was in Taiwan there was also a less common competitor which I only found a couple of times, but works it much the same way. It’s called YO!. So far I haven’t seen this one in 2023.‘
5 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024