As long as you are less than the individual bag limit of (32 KG), I think you should be fine:
If you have calculated your allowance to be over 32kg (71lb), please
note that Dubai Civil Aviation prohibits the acceptance of any one
piece of baggage weighing more than 32kg (71lb), into, out of or via
Dubai International Airport.
However, in my personal experience – Emirates weights each bag individually. You can try to sneak in two bags at once though, and try your luck.
Theoretically, yes, separately.
Sometimes they are sloppy and don’t care, I guess you got 20% chance for that, but you should better consider changing your packing – put some heavier stuff in the small bag to even it out and get both under the limit.
The reason for the limit is not pickiness, but employment health – they cannot require employees to lift more than that weight limit, so if they allow you to combine 23+x and 23-x kg, and an employee hurts his back on the 23+x one, they are in trouble, and insurance will decline to pay.
Yes, airlines usually check bags individually and the limit is per piece, so not a consolidated limit. Having said that, Emirates is not a low cost airline that enforces all the rules so there is a good probability that you won’t have to pay more, especially if you are just crossing the limit for 1 or 2 kgs…‘
5 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024