Devil's pool safety at Victoria Falls

10/1/2012 6:11:07 PM

The reason the dates vary is because high water season varies. Guides won’t take people when the water levels are too high, because they have to take it too.

There’s a really good blog post on this which details:

  • the steps involved getting there (boat ride, pics of the rocky walk, and the jump you need to do to get in
  • tips on how to manage it (any girls you are with you may wish to warn about the effects of the strong current on their items of clothing…
  • several fantastic photos describing the entire process
  • It’s probably necessarily to be able to swim.

…I really want to go back to Zambia now.

10/1/2012 11:42:53 AM

There can’t be any exact dates for when it’s safe because that depends on the (highly variable) water level in the river, which depends on rainfalls.

Getting there requires taking a boat, a short rocky hike and swimming through a safe part of the river before you get to the pool itself (source: a TV show I saw). You should only do it as a guided tour, in any case. The operators will decide when the water level is safe.

Here’s a Zimbabwean newspaper article about the death of a tour guide who was rescuing a tourist. It says “Locals say deaths at the site are rare, occurring at the rate of one death every year”. Apparently this includes guides as well as tourists – and some tourists take really foolish risks.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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