Desireable form of container for transporting cans of beer in luggage

8/10/2016 6:21:47 PM

We did this once for 2h flight with friends. We simply put them into the luggage, with a simple with a knot bag around it in case of rupture. One of the side benefits was that the beer was nice and cold after the flight.

8/10/2016 3:37:47 PM

One consideration is protecting the bottle, and other posters have suggested socks, clothes, or bubble wrap for this – perfectly sensible. However, you may also be interested in protecting the contents of your suitcase in the event of a leak. I’m more experienced transporting wine than beer, but the same principles apply: pressure changes may cause liquids to leak.

My standard procedure is to put the item in a sturdy plastic bag (hotel laundry bag is often a good source), roll that up and tape it up, then wrap the whole in cling film / saran wrap (this is your waterproofing), then wrap that up in bubble wrap. This has protected me against both leaks and (once) a broken bottle – no idea what force was applied to the case to break a bottle through bubble wrap, but not a drop of wine escaped. I now ensure the bottles are right in the middle of the case.

8/10/2016 1:23:44 PM

Socks as @max said are a great idea.

Tons Plastic bubble wrap ( that’s what i did). all my guiness bottles and cans sustained a high atmospheric flight due to a storm from dublin to barcelona without breaking, loosing gas , or opening alone, and had a good taste afterwards.

Plus, if something breaks inside a big bubble wrap ball, nothing else will soak.

Also, as @max said, laptop as carry on if you don’t want to find a surprise.

8/10/2016 12:54:35 PM

Socks, put the beers in socks and/or roll them in your own cloths.

On a side note, I would not put a laptop in check-in luggage if possible. Take it with you as a carry-on.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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