Den Gamle By (The Old Town) (Aarhus) : Interesting Facts, Information & Travel Guide

Den Gamle By (The Old Town) (Aarhus) : Interesting Facts, Information & Travel Guide

Den Gamle By, or ‘The Old Town,’ is a remarkable and historic open-air museum in Denmark. Located in Aarhus, Denmark’s second largest city, Den Gamle By offers its visitors a glimpse into the past through reconstructed buildings, costumed townspeople, and period-authentic food. Boasting authentic buildings dating all the way back to the 15th century, Den Gamle BY has something for everyone. This blog will explore the history of Den Gamle BY, interesting facts about the museum, what visitors can expect to find, and information on how to make the most of their trip. So, let’s jump right in and explore what makes Den Gamle BY such a remarkable place!

Interesting Facts About Den Gamle By (The Old Town) (Aarhus)


1. The Danish for “Old Town” is Den Gamle By, and it was founded in the 14th century.

2. The Old Town is a living town museum that brings history to life. Everyday life from the past three centuries can be experienced in the 75 houses and workshops that comprise the city.

3. There are nine museums located within Den Gamle By, each with its own unique identity and character.

4. Den Gamle By was awarded ‘European Museum of the Year’ in 2004 by the European Museum Forum.

5. Den Gamle By hosts a variety of events throughout the year, such as outdoor concerts, theater, clothing sale, and special activities for kids.

6. The Old Town also has several restaurants and cafes that serve both traditional Danish and more modern dishes.

7. Den Gamle By is home to several public art installations, including bronze sculptures of trolls and gnomes.

8. The Old Town is an incredibly popular destination for tourists and locals alike, and receives more than a million visitors per year.

History & Information About Den Gamle By (The Old Town) (Aarhus)

Den Gamle By, or The Old Town, is a world-renowned open-air museum in Aarhus, Denmark, located on the banks of the Aarhus River. The museum features an extensive collection of historic buildings from around the country, along with a variety of old street equipment; household furnishings, tools, and artifacts; and traditional crafts from different eras. Visitors to the museum can also enjoy a variety of cultural activities, such as concerts, fairs, street theatre, a traditional market, and many other events.

The museum was opened in 1914 by Dr. Jens Jacobsen, the then Director of the National Museum of Denmark. The goal of the museum was to give visitors a chance to experience life as it was centuries ago in Denmark’s history, from the Viking Age 0f 900 AD to the end of World War II. The buildings and structures of Den Gamle By are carefully chosen to represent many different regions, social classes, and cultures of the past. The site was constructed to reflect a typical 16th century Danish city with a number of different buildings, replicas of existing structures, and additions to the original plan. These additions included such things as a canal, a windmill, a meadow landscape, and a hilltop lookout point.

Today, Den Gamle By continues to be a popular tourist destination. Every year, more than 500,000 visitors come to explore the buildings and take in the sights and sounds of life from centuries past. Furthermore, the museum has been recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site for its importance as a remarkable living history museum.

Travel Guide For Visiting Den Gamle By (The Old Town) (Aarhus)

Getting There:

The easiest way to get to Den Gamle By (The Old Town) in Aarhus, Denmark is to fly into Aarhus Airport which is located 8km northeast of the city center. Alternatively, you can also take a train to Aarhus Central Station, and then take a short bus ride to the museum.

Things to Do:

1. Explore the museum’s historic buildings and streets: Den Gamle By is an open-air museum comprised of a series of historic Danish buildings that have been moved and reconstructed to create an entire city of the past. Visitors can explore the museum’s buildings, streets, and backyards to get a real feel for life in Denmark from the 1680s to the 1930s.

2. Visit the museum’s collection of Danish artifacts: Den Gamle By houses an impressive collection of artifacts from Denmark’s past. These include furniture, decorative arts, kitchenware, and everyday items that give visitors a glimpse into local daily life. This also includes seasonal cultural exhibitions which explain the development of Danish culture over time.

3. Visit the museum’s special events and activities: Den Gamle By regularly hosts special events and activities for visitors of all ages. These range from historical reenactment days where visitors can learn about the past through live performances, to DIY workshops and craft days where visitors can make traditional crafts from the region.

4. Take the museum’s audio tour: For a more immersive experience, visitors can take the museum’s audio tour where they will be guided around the museum and provided with information and anecdotes about the history of the area.

5. Enjoy a meal at one of Den Gamle By’s restaurants: The museum has two restaurants on-site, offering traditional Danish fare. These are the perfect places to try local specialties and enjoy a drink while enjoying the sights of the museum.

Frequently Asked Questions About Den Gamle By (The Old Town) (Aarhus)

Q: What is Den Gamle By?
A: Den Gamle By is a living history museum located in Aarhus, Denmark. The museum comprises more than 75 historical buildings, including houses, workshops, and gardens from several different time periods.

Q: When is Den Gamle By open?
A: Den Gamle By is open daily from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. from early May until late October. During months such as April and November, they open on some weekends.

Q: What is included in a visit to Den Gamle By?
A: A visit to Den Gamle By includes a guided tour of the entire museum, access to the museum’s collection of historical artifacts, and the opportunity to experience life as it was during the periods of the last few centuries in Denmark.

Q: Are there any activities for children at Den Gamle By?
A: Den Gamle By offers several activities for children, such as the Viking Ship tour, a scavenger hunt, interactive period-specific games, and a play-town for children to explore.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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