Customs charge for bringing a 3D printer into India?

5/13/2014 12:54:24 PM

It’ll likely depend on the value of the 3D Printer. Generally customs is concerned with you bringing more than one item in – i.e. you’re importing stuff for sale, and then they’ll want to charge you import taxes.

However, if it’s just one and it’s only for personal use, this generally isn’t a problem, depending on the value of the item.

Once it gets over a certain value, then it may come into question.

Your best option is to look at the Indian Customs Guide for Travellers, as it breaks down all the rules based on items, your status (resident/traveller/business), and what you’re allowed to bring in, its value, and how many of particular other items (some are restricted – eg cigarettes).

If in doubt, you can always contact Indian Customs directly, with details contained within that document.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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